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Common Home Insurance Exclusions You Should Know

Common Home Insurance Exclusions You Should Know

While home insurance provides a safety net, it's essential to understand that not all scenarios are covered. Exclusions exist within policies, and being aware of them can prevent unpleasant surprises when filing a claim. Let's delve into some common exclusions you should know about:

  • Flood
  • Earth Movement
  • Mold
  • Vandalism to vacant dwellings
  • Wear and tear
  • Property damage caused by pets
  • Enforcement of building codes and similar laws
  • Intentional acts
  • Neglect
  • Government acts

These are the most common exclusions on a homeowner’s policy. Additional exclusions may be present in your policy, therefore, contact your agent at 734-456-6000 or submit a request here to review your home coverage today!
